Choice Theory (CT)/Reality Therapy (RT) efficiency research and scientific support

The explanation of scientific validity of Reality Therapy approach can be found in the book: Znanstvena utemeljenost RT, (Scientific Argument for Reality Therapy),  Leon Lojk, 2001.

Many articles covering effectiveness and empirical testing of Choice Theory application can be found in International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy:

On efficiency and scientific support

There are 82 doctoral dissertations written on reality therapy identified between 1970 and 1990 (Franklin, M, (1993); Eighty-two Reality therapy doctoral dissertations written between 1970. and 1990, Journal of Reality Therapy, 11(2), 76-82). Of course, this number has eventually been redoubled.

In the book ‘Reality Therapy for the 21st Century’ author Robert E. Wubbolding (2000) claims that principles of Choice Theory and RT are multicultural and applicable in many areas. He presents research studies in relation to health, human needs, addiction, drug abuse in prison, juvenile offenders recidivism, domestic violence, corrections, humour, depression, arthritis, self concept, self-esteem, locus of control, minority groups, deaf population, management, organizational behaviour, quality education, self-concept, at-risk students, etc.

There is an article with review on efficiency: “Choice Theory and Reality Therapy: Perceptions of Efficacy”, Mary E. Watson and Caley B. Arzamarski, 2011. Available at:

CT/RT and addiction

Substance abuse treatment with adolescent African American males: Reality therapy with an Afrocentric approach, Moore, Sharon E., 2001.

Drug Rehabilitation from a Choice Theory Perspective, Olli Nikoskelainen, 2012.

Who Is in Charge of Your Recovery? The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy for Female Drug Offenders in Taiwan, Fang Mei Law, Gwo Jen Guo, 2013.

The Iowa therapeutic community model of chemical dependency treatment, Ryan J. Hulbert, 1992

The effect of a R/T group counseling program on the Internet addiction level and self-esteem of Internet addiction university students, Kim, Jong-Un, 2008

Disorders from DSM-IV and effects of CT/RT

The Effects of an RT Program Applied to Mental Health Clients, International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, Vol.20 No2

Choice theory and Reality Therapy Application: Counselling Students with Psychosomatic Disorders, Asja Palinić Cvitanović, Leon Lojk, Marija Radonić, Matija Čale Mratović, Đurđica Kolarec, 2002.

Reality therapy with rape victims, Margaret J. McArthur, 1990

A Study on Counselling Program for Decrease of Aggression through RT, International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy , Vol.20 No2

The reticent speaker: etiology and treatment, Gerald M. Phillips, Nancy J. Metzger, 1973.

Using Reality Therapy to Reduce PTSD-Related Symptoms, Prenzlau, Sheryl, 2006.

Effectiveness of reality therapy program for schizophrenic patients, Jeongsook Kim, 2005.

CT/RT in working with groups

Reality therapy groups: It’s effect on the stress reactions and coping strategies of female nurses in the critical care units, Wang, Wei-Hsiu; Ting, Yuan-Yu, 2012.

The Efficiency of Reality Therapy Instruction upon the Rate of Life’s Qualification and Marital Conflicts of Addicted Spouses, Maryam Tadayon, Alireza Mohammadi Arya, Hamidreza Lotfi, 2013.,%203(9)482-486,%202013.pdf

A pilot study of health and wellness program development in an International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD) Clubhouse: procedures, implementation, and implications, Casstevens, W.D., 2011.

The efficacy of reality therapy in the reduction of HIV/AIDS-Risk behaviour among adolescents in Nigeria, Azekhueme, Kate U; Adegoke, Alfred A, 2010.

Efficacy of reality therapy and cognitive coping behaviour training in handling adjustment problems of empty-nester retirees, Chima, Ifeoma M; Nnodum, Benedicta. 2008.

The effects of reality therapy group counseling on futures traders’ negative trading emotions, trading locus of control, and trading performances, Tsai, Ming-Fang; Ting, Yuan-Yu, 2012.

The effect of internal control and achievement motivation in group counseling based on reality therapy, Rose-Inza, Kim; Mi Gu, Hwang, 2001.

Emotional needs of law enforcement personnel: Control group comparison using the Contextual Needs Assessment, Swenson, Stuart; Brown, Timothy; Plebanski, David, 2009.

Effectiveness of group counseling with reality therapy approach on identity crisis and general health of female students of vocational schools in Tehran city district-16 in the 91-90 school year, Nahid Ahmadi Marvili, 2012.

The Effect of Group RT on Internal Control and Self-Esteem, International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, Vol.20 No2

Effects of CT/RT in working with parents and foster homes

The effects of a choice theory and reality therapy parenting program on children’s behavior, Petra, Jeff Robert, 2001.

Caring and killing habits in behaviour in relations with “significant others”, Arbunić, Antun; Ljubetić, Maja, 2006.

Utilizing Choice Theory and Reality Therapy in Therapeutic Foster Care Homes, Anthony Cameron, 2010.

The Development and Effects of a Reality Therapy Parent group Counseling Program, Young-Soon Kim, 2001