Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: +3861740358
I’m reality Therapy Psychotherapist with European ceritificate for Psychotherapy. Besides RT training I also completed EMDR and NEI therapy and two years of Family Systemic Therapy. I deal with individuals, groups, partnership counseling as well as group leadership and education of other professionals. I gained significant experience working for governmental and non-governmental organizations, especially in the field of health and humanitarian activities (Center for Mental Health, Center for Social Work, Center Kruh Svetog Ante, Vive Women, Ministry of Health – Therapeutic Work with Veterans of BiH, UG Women to Women, UNICEF, Federation Red Cross), leading seminars, group and individual therapy trainings as well as education. I’m European Institute for Reality Therapy Faculty Board member and member of the Association of Reality Psychotherapists in BiH, as well as a member of the Association of EMDR Psychotherapists of BiH.