Boba Lojk, social worker, psychotherapist, senior instructor at William Glasser International has developed original approach in teaching New Reality Therapy based on personal experiences. Along with her husband Leon she set up the five years reality therapy psychotherapist training as well as four years reality therapy counsellor training. Boba is EART general secretary and confounder of Training Centre for Choice Theory and Reality Therapy in Slovenia that in 2009 became the European Institute for Reality Therapy (EIRT).

Boba was the first director of EIRT. Her contribution is that EIRT in 2011 has been recognized by EAP as The European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute (EAPTI). Thanks to this recognition as EAPTI every student who becomes RT psychotherapist through EIRT’s program automatic gets European Certificate for Psychotherapy (ECP) through direct award by EAP.