Country: Croatia
My name is Jelena Burazin. I am 43 years old, married, mother of four children. I am psychologist graduated in 2002. iz Zagreb, Croatia. In November 2006. I began a formal education of Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Leadership. During my training as a psychotherapist, together with a colleague, in 2012. I founded NGO association “RT Nade” which has aim promotion and improvement of mental and spiritual health. I have worked as a psychotherapist; individual and group approach, workshops, professional development (psychotherapy, counseling, supervision, lectures …). In June 2017., I received The European Certificate of Psychotherapy. My work experience is in Marriage and family counseling, RT Nade NGO sector and in Shelter for victoms of domestic violence where I have the chance to work everyday with clients. Today I am director of children’s home Maestral Split and I practice my knowledge of Leadership and still have clients because I like to be psychotherapist.